
Layer 1 - Copper Copper cables carry low voltage electric signals (NEC defines low volatge systems between 0 and 49 Volts) Back in the day, copper was the medium initally used to cross the counrty back in the days of CW, and Telegrams. With the Advent of the Telephone this copper need to handel more bandwidth and longer distances “twisted pair” copper wires were used for telephone wires. These twised pair wires have evoled over time to bring us to todays CAT6a 10 Gig and Cat8 40 Gig Copper cabling....

May 26, 2018 · 3 min · Internet Lifeguard


Layer 1 - Fiber Optics Fiber Optics uses light (visible and non-visble) to transmit communication signels All Fiber optic cables are made up of sever important compmen Core: is ushally made up of very thin crystal clear glass or platic that allows light to pass through. Think of the core as a guide to help ensure the light passes through to the other side. Cladding: is ushally made up of ### which has a high index of refraction, meaning when light its the cladding at the right angle is it reflected (refracted) back into the core....

May 26, 2018 · 2 min · Internet Lifeguard


Power Power may not techincally be consider part of “Layer 1” but it is a cirtial and often over look part of IT. Below I will go over the basics of power and then go into how it applies to IT. Voltage (V) Electromotive Force or often refered to as electric pressure. Common House voltage (in the US) is 120V but many higher end servers and UPS’s run on 240V....

May 26, 2018 · 3 min · Internet Lifeguard